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DAQP can be used as a solver in acados, a modular framework for fast embedded optimal control.


To install acados with support for DAQP, pass the flag ACADOS_WITH_DAQP when calling cmake during the installation steps here.


Below are instruction on how DAQP can be used as QP solver in acados. For details on how problems are setup up and solved, see the examples in acados.


In the acados C interface DAQP can be invoked as the inner QP solver by setting the field qp_solver of an ocp_qp_solver_plan_t to FULL_CONDENSING_DAQP


In the acados MATLAB interface, DAQP can be invoked as the inner QP solver by setting the solver option qp_solver to full_condensing_daqp.


In the acados Python interface, DAQP can be invoked as the inner QP solver by setting the solver option qp_solver to FULL_CONDENSING_DAQP.