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Table of contents
  1. Settings
  2. Exit flags
  3. Constraint classification


Parameter Description Default
primal_tol Tolerance for primal infeasibility 1e-6
dual_tol Tolerance for dual infeasibility 1e-12
zero_tol Values below are regarded as zero 1e-11
pivot_tol Value used for determining if rows in the LDL’ factorization should be exchanged. A higher value improves stability. 1e-6
progress_tol Minimum change in objective function to consider it progress 1e-6
cycle_tol Allowed number of iterations without progress before terminating 10
iter_limit Maximum number of iterations before terminating 1000
fval_bound Maximum allowed objective function value. The solver terminates if the dual objective exceeds this value (since it is a lower bound of the optimal value). 1e30
eps_prox Regularization parameter used for proximal-point iterations (0 means that no proximal-point iterations are performed) 0
eta_prox Tolerance that determines if a fix-point has been reached during proximal-point iterations 1e-6
rho_soft Weight used for soft constraints (higher enables more violations) 1e-3
rel_subopt Allowed relative suboptimality in branch and bound 0
abs_subopt Allowed absolute suboptimality in branch and bound 0

Exit flags

Value Status
2 Soft optimal
1 Optimal
-1 Infeasible
-2 Cycling detected
-3 Unbounded problem
-4 Iteration limit reached
-5 Nonconvex problem
-6 Initial working set overdetermined

Constraint classification

The type of a constraint is classified through an integer value (called sense), where the bits in this integer encode different properties:

Value Classification Description
1 Active The constraint should be imposed as an equality at the start
2 Lower Determine which of the lower and upper bound is imposed when active
4 Immutable Disallow the constraint to be activated/deactivated
8 Soft The constraint should be softened
16 Binary Either the upper or lower bound should hold with equality

These flags can be combined through addition. For example, if we want to encode equality constraints in our problem we would mark these as active and immutable, that is, with sense 1+4=5.